Yvgeney Prigozhin - America's Russian Reality TV Star.

Who would have us think, some of us, that he with his Wagner get-out-of-gaol-free "soldiers" were running "The War", with no Russian Armed Forces in sight.

Theatre of The Absurd, largely for Western subscribers.

At best that group, always overrated, was there for the attrition of Armed Forces of The Ukraine personnel. Of all of them, they came - they went.


Saturation coverage that covers the The War Crimes of The West.

As for those wars, they no longer save The West . . . https://les7eb.substack.com

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Deborah L. Armstrong

You're welcome Deborah! My pleasure!

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Deborah L. Armstrong

The 1st picture is not the wreckage of an Embraer Legacy 600 (as in the 2nd picture).

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Deborah L. Armstrong

Excellent article Deborah! You give all the angles and possibilities regarding the death of Prighozhin and the others in the plane crash. Your final line about Prighozhin running hell is a classic! Keep up the great writing and reporting!

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The CIA paid Prigozhin billions. This was split with Putin after they staged a fake coo. This leaves 2 possibilities. The CIA blew up the plane or Prigozhin has just staged a fake death. My guess is he is at the plastic sugeons right now getting a new face, paid for by the US taxpayers.

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Nigerien, not Nigerian. Yeah, I'm an arsehole :)

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I especially liked the last line "Prigo has faked his death before, lets hope that is true"

Surely will miss the guy, the only person on earth telling the truth about ZOG, and UK/USA/MOSCOW war in Russia.

He said he had been killing the wrong people, should have been killing billionaires in Moscow, & London.

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Your photo looked like a small fiber glass plane, maybe 2, maybe 4 seats counting pilot;

Looked like it was more damaged from the vertical impact to the nose


Other reports made it sound like a larger plane and many passengers.

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WOE is BIDEN, MAKING New Enemys of USA, quicker than US-MIL can kill them.

Just like MAUI, making USA people hate their GOV, so that the USA can justify killing the ungrateful goyim herds.

NO MORE, 'BIDEN' shot down Wagner's Plane today, Prigozhin is dead, so that's about 50,000 men who now will destroy USA, and there are 1,000's in USA;

Stingers & Manpads are super common in the black market USA, expect to see lots of planes going down in DC, of course they''ll blame it on RUSSIA;


Now you see why BIDEN burned down MAUI an the big hurry for the rich to move to Hawaii, they know DC-USA will go hot soon

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