Mar 17, 2023Liked by Deborah L. Armstrong

The show I saw that was amazing in encompassing the truly weird about TV news was Network ! The speech in the boardroom is the most succinct take down of American ( World) Capitalism I ever saw and it is lethally hilarious! I’m sure you have seen it ! Your experiences are genuinely horrific - and your survival is honorable and righteous - in fact, it reminds me of how “ primitive” ( Stone Age) cultures force adolescent males to go through a horrific initiation whereby they earn manhood ( basically by survival) honey I hate to inform you - but you are now totally initiated and nobody will ever take away your “manhood” but because of the nature of our “ melting blob of what’s it” sexual identity let me be direct: what you reached through shaming and torture is an initiation into adulthood. Nobody ever will be strong enough, smart enough, or powerful enough to touch or maim your adult self.

Americans - Bless their little hearts - ( that’s a Southern Curse) THINK we have reduced Stone Age initiation to the open road Route 66 idea of “ getting a driver’s license” and POOF a youth is now adult.

Guess what ! Deborah IS an adult because she experienced the same loss of self and reassembling into a more perfect whole: brave, unchangeable, and unconquerable that the military also forces on its most Spartan troopers during “ basic training for special forces” using the actual training manual Sparta itself developed. You are invincible. I am also life trained invincible. Good to know . And good to share !

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Great read! Thank you.

Seems like anyone worth reading these days has been through some sort of "crucible of fire" like you.

Dealing with adversity and group herding behavior sets you up to see through the propaganda information war western society is engulfed in.

"We have hysteria about Russia driven by hyperbole and emotional manipulation, not facts!"

Agree 💯!

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